Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Francis Chan sermon

This sermon was the Lord's call to me.  I hope that it is as helpful for you as it was for me.  May the Lord bless you:

Monday, 17 March 2014

Testimony Guideline

Quick Testimony Guideline:

1.     Who were you before your relationship with Christ?
Description: This should be an explanation of at least one key area in which you acted in disobedience to God, as an enemy of God (everyone before following Christ opposes God and a clear change in this area is an indicator of the work and power of God in salvation).

2.     How were you exposed to Christ?
Description:  This should included the following elements: 
  • How were you exposed to Christ and what was your personal situation at the time (this could be a journey)?
  •  Describe the situation that brought you under the conviction that you needed to change?

3.     How did you become a Christian (How were you saved)?
Description: Tell the story of how you came to follow Christ.  This should include the point (again this could to a degree be a process) at which you gave up living your way and submitted yourself to the Lordship of Christ.  Baptism and other relevant information could also be discussed.

4.     How is your life different now?  How has Jesus changed you over the years from who you were (especially in the area that you highlighted in the first question and how are you different from other non-believers around you?

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Confess Jesus

1 John 4:1-6

March 16 - March 23, 2014

I don't know about you, but when I find myself in a situation that calls for me to claim and confess Jesus, there is clearly struggle to stand firm in faith and say the name of Jesus.  It seems to me that this above all other things crystalizes that there is a spiritual battle going on around me and that I am in the middle of it all.  What I do and what I say is influenced by and influences the spiritual battle that rages.  

This idea was initially very hard and even disheartening, until I read the verses again.  I see that I am a child of God, that I am from Him and it is from this very nature and His power that I can proclaim the name of Jesus.  He came that the blind would see, that the deaf would hear, that the lame would walk, that the sick would be healed, and that the mute would talk.  Then I remembered this story:

Acts 3:2-8
And a man lame from birth was being carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple that is called the Beautiful Gate to ask alms of those entering the temple. Seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, he asked to receive alms. And Peter directed his gaze at him, as did John, and said, “Look at us.” And he fixed his attention on them, expecting to receive something from them. But Peter said, u“I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” And he took him by the right hand and raised him up, and immediately his feet and ankles were made strong. And leaping up he stood and began to walk, and entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God.

What is so evident in this passage and I forget so quickly is that there is POWER in the NAME of JESUS.  It is not my power, but the power of God for salvation and healing.  So why are we so afraid to say the name Jesus and use almost any other word when the Spirit is prompting us to declare Him? The reason is simple, there is a spiritual battle and satan does not want the name of Jesus proclaimed.

If you have experienced a struggle like this one, share your story...

May the Lord bless you all this week,

Monday, 10 March 2014

Love The Brothers and Sisters

1 John 3:11-24

March 9 - March 16, 2014

This message really hits home and challenges me to be more like Jesus.

1 John 3:16-18
By this we know love, that He laid down His life for us, and we ought to lay dow our lives for the brothers.  But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him.  Little children let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.

If we know of a need that our brothers or sisters have and we do not fulfill it, John says that we have closed our heart against them.  This is difficult to hear having traveled around the world and seen the issues that face our brothers and sisters.  There are many who are dying of thirst, hunger and exposure. Is my heart closed against them.  Lord please, open my heart and break my heart moving me to compassion and a place of humble obedience to your call.

May the Lord bless us as we wrestle with how we are to live in light of this Scripture,

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Born Righteous

1 John 2:28 - 3:10

March 3 - March 10, 2014

If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has passed away and behold the new has come. (2 Corinthians 5:17)  What a wonderful thought.  Having been born of God (see John 3:1-15), I am no longer bound by the sinful desires that once ruled me.  I have been born of God and I am now His child.  I was born to be righteous, so now it is a matter of practicing who I have already been created to be.   What an encouragement and motivation it is to know that I am becoming that which God has created me to be in Christ Jesus.  We all get to practice who we are by putting off the old self with all of its chains and sin and putting on the new self as children of the King.

Enjoy this week as you practice righteousness, knowing that you have been recreated (born) in His image.

May the Lord bless you and give you grace as you follow after Him,

Saturday, 8 February 2014

I John - Saved?

I John 2:3-11

February 9-16

This Scripture is hard enough when we think about the fact that we are to love our brothers even if they sin against us.  This is clearly spelled out for us in Matthew 5:43-48.  The standard becomes much more difficult when we examine this in the context of the "new commandment" that John talks about in this weeks Scripture.  In order to understand what he is talking about, read John 13:34-35 and you will see that the standard that Jesus sets for this new commandment is even more challenging than is found in the Matthew passage discussed above.  We are to love like Jesus loved us.  Throughout the week, think about how Jesus loved you sacrificially and gave Himself up for you.  Now, go and love those who love you and those who are persecuting you the way that Jesus loved you (sacrificially).  By this, the world will know that you are the Lord's disciple.

May the Lord bless and keep you this week as you think about these wonderful and challenging things that we find in the Scriptures!


Monday, 20 January 2014

1 John - Saved?

1 John 1:5-10 

January 19-26, 2014

This week’s lesson is one of the most important lessons to learn in the pursuit of godliness.  There is so much confusion about the need to become holy and righteous. If we have been redeemed, we gain these things, but our transformation is about God's power working in us, not about our own ability not to sin.  Graham touched upon this in his message on Sunday when he said, "The intention not to sin is not the same as the power not to sin."  The verses contained in 1 John 1:5-10, explain how we access the power of God for change in our life.

For those of us who have been redeemed, the sin we once loved now causes us pain and sorrow when we think about it or walk into it once again.  We can certainly understand what Paul is saying in Romans 7:19 when he says, "For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.  Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me."  There is a spiritual war going on inside of us.  Our flesh (the old nature) is at war with the new creation that God created and the Holy Spirit that lives inside of us.  How then shall we overcome this struggle?  The answer is found in the verses this week.

1 John 1:9
 "If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

As we walk in the light, it reveals the darkness and sin that still remains in us.  We are to repent our exposed sin (turn from our sin) and confess it to the Lord, asking that He both forgive us and continue the process of cleansing us from all of our unrighteousness.

This process is like peeling an onion.  Once the outer layer is removed, it exposes the next layer that needs to be removed, over and over again. He is faithful, just and patient as He moves us to remove the next layer of our old nature.

So what we see in this process is not a complete and instant purity, but an ever-increasing purity as the Lord does the work of removing our old nature and replacing it with the nature of Jesus Christ His Son.

May the Lord bless you as He purifies you into the image of His dear Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Sunday, 5 January 2014

Compass now The Weekly Journey:

The name of the Compass has been changed to The Weekly Journey, but there are more changes than just the name.  We have modified The Weekly Journey in order to help the congregation build fundamental spiritual disciplines into their weekly lives.  We will be encouraging Scripture memorization, meditation, prayer, service and study throughout the week.  This document should continue to change as we use it and get feedback from you about how we can make it better and more useable.  Thank you in advance, for helping us improve the effectiveness and usefulness of this resource with the feedback that you provide.

For additional resources, please go to the resources page or click here.

1 John - Saved?

1 John 1:1-4

January 12 - 19, 2014

Over the course of church history, the Lord has used the book of 1 John to revive His church and bring revival.  I have taught through this short book several times in the past and have seen its power to bring repentance, healing and power to the people who will listen to the word of God given to us by the disciple whom Jesus loved.  Even though I have studied this book many times, recently the Lord is showing me even more of the glorious truths that exist in its chapters.  I also see how practical it is in demonstrating how to live in the light and thereby being changed and purified by the Lord.

John tells us in 1 John 5:13, that he has written these things so that we may know or be certain of the fact that we have eternal life.  It is with this frame of reference that we start this study and examine the first several verses in this very special book.  John is making several important points in the first several four verses as listed below:
  1. The Lord Jesus Christ is eternal and existed from the beginning.  This point communicates to us Jesus is God.
  2. The eternal Jesus came in the flesh, so that He was both fully God and fully man.
  3. John and others actually touched Jesus before and after the resurrection with their own hands so that he is a personal eye witness to Jesus who was God in the flesh.  Therefore, John is declaring a reliable message to us.
  4. This message that he is declares enables us to have fellowship with the believers, but more importantly with God the Father and Jesus Christ.
What a glorious message.  We can have fellowship with the King of kings and the Lord of lords and the message that we have received is trustworthy and reliable.  I pray that you would enter into this study with me as we examine what the Lord wants to communicate to us today through the disciple that Jesus loved, the apostle John.

Now may the God of all peace, Himself give you peace at all times in every way.  The Lord be with you all,