Saturday 8 February 2014

I John - Saved?

I John 2:3-11

February 9-16

This Scripture is hard enough when we think about the fact that we are to love our brothers even if they sin against us.  This is clearly spelled out for us in Matthew 5:43-48.  The standard becomes much more difficult when we examine this in the context of the "new commandment" that John talks about in this weeks Scripture.  In order to understand what he is talking about, read John 13:34-35 and you will see that the standard that Jesus sets for this new commandment is even more challenging than is found in the Matthew passage discussed above.  We are to love like Jesus loved us.  Throughout the week, think about how Jesus loved you sacrificially and gave Himself up for you.  Now, go and love those who love you and those who are persecuting you the way that Jesus loved you (sacrificially).  By this, the world will know that you are the Lord's disciple.

May the Lord bless and keep you this week as you think about these wonderful and challenging things that we find in the Scriptures!
